Sober Sisters Recovery at Malley Farm

web development, social media outreach, grant writing

Sober Sisters Recovery is a structured sober living home for women recovering from substance use disorder. Our goal with the new website was to create a calm, beautiful interface that is easy to navigate, informational, and that serves several purposes.

First and foremost, this site is a window to potential residents and their families, helping them get to know Sober Sisters Recovery, what they do, and what the house is like. (It was extremely important to me that this website be clear and calming for this reason.) Second, the new website is an essential tool for the executive director, as she routinely uses it to introduce the organization, often walking through the site on phone calls with case managers and other rehab professionals. Finally, the site is an excellent tool for fundraising, which is essential to self-sustaining nonprofits like Sober Sisters Recovery.

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I just went though the website again for fun. Just me and a relaxed 1/2 hour. I am just now realizing some details that you put into some spots that I didn’t notice before because I hadn’t taken the time to relook… There is just so much detail that must have been so time consuming for you. I want to tell you this website is beyond beautiful !!! You do amazing work. We are so lucky to have found you.

Moné Cassier, Executive Director